📘 Advertiser's Studio

Here you will find step-by-step explanation how to create your first campaign.

New Campaign:

Creating a new campaign is easy, just follow the steps:

  1. Enter the name of your selected campaign.
  2. Provide the URL link to your ad campaign. This link is crucial as it directs viewers to your campaign whenever they click on the ad.

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3.Choose the desired format Screenshot 2024-07-23 at 11.53.27

  • Currently we support 3 types:

    Large Square 250px x 250px

    Small Square 200px x 200px

    Banner 320px x 50px


Please note that these sizes may vary over time.

  1. The next step is to upload the ad image.

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Please ensure that you upload an image with the correct size. If the image size is incorrect, you won't be able to proceed to the next step.

  1. Next is selecting the target audience

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Currently, we offer two main options for running your campaign:

  • Reach This option will serve the ads to everyone


It's ideal for brand awareness campaigns, as it maximizes the reach of your ad to a wide audience. This approach is great for introducing new products or services and building a broad audience base.

  • Conversion uses our algorithm to target the most appropriate users, maximizing engagement and conversions.


It aims to drive higher engagement and conversion rates. It is perfect for campaigns that have specific goals such as sales, sign-ups, or other user interactions, ensuring that your ad budget is spent more effectively.

Additionally, you can target viewers based on their net worth. For example, if you want your ad to be seen only by users with a wallet balance between $100 and $100,000, adjust the slider to reflect these values.

Lastly, you can choose from various campaign tags in order to filter users based on their interests in specific categories.

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  1. We are almost ready. Now, select the budget for your campaign.

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  1. Once you are ready, review the campaign. If everything looks good, submit it to create your new campaign.

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  1. Congrats! Your campaign was created. Now you will be proceeded to the Campaign Payment